Monday 30 September 2013

Summer Project

Here's a quick overview of my summer project: We were challenged to design 26 representations of each letter of the alphabet in an attempt to visually communicate something about ourselves individually. I chose to represent a font in each case, starting with the appropriate letter, and I gave them all a rating from 3 - 5 stars. I also also stated the designer of the Type.

Thursday 26 September 2013


First post on my new college blog, and new blog means new design. Excellent. And what better way to start than by designing a header for it. I've kept it minimalistic, the reason being all students have to keep their blogs themeless, so this is the direction I went in to suit. The Typeface is Avenir Next Ultralight, which for me is up there with the rest of the gorgeous swiss style Types and fits the bill perfectly as a neutral Sans Serif Type.